It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas in Tipp City, Ohio when the Chamber and DTCP Collaborate on a 12-day Social Media Campaign
Download MP3"It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" in Tipp City, Ohio! Last year's "Twelve Days of Tipp City" social media extravaganza was so popular, they brought it back for 2024! Meredith McKee from the Tipp Chamber and Tasha Weaver from the Downtown Tipp City Partnership pop in to the News Makers Podcast to chat about this week's collab between the two organizations.
Last year, they went around Tipp City and did dances featuring different businesses AND hid gift cards at each location. This year, they will be out in locations singing and dancing and hiding gift cards again! The 12-day campaign starts December 9 and runs 12 days. Dancing, singing, and fun!!! Plus we chat Christmas movies! Visit and for more information. The News Makers podcast is a presentation of the Tippecanoe Gazette. Talk soon!
Last year, they went around Tipp City and did dances featuring different businesses AND hid gift cards at each location. This year, they will be out in locations singing and dancing and hiding gift cards again! The 12-day campaign starts December 9 and runs 12 days. Dancing, singing, and fun!!! Plus we chat Christmas movies! Visit and for more information. The News Makers podcast is a presentation of the Tippecanoe Gazette. Talk soon!