Coffee with Champions, presented by the Tipp Chamber
Download MP3Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Newsmakers Podcast presented by the Tippecanoe Gazette. We're here with Meredith McKee from the Tipp City Chamber of Commerce.
Meredith McKee:Thrilled to be back. Thanks for having me.
Greg Enslen:Thrilled. You're not thrilled. It's exciting. It's exciting. It's exciting stuff.
Greg Enslen:I'm excited that you're here in my new space. Yeah. I'm loving my new space. It's got the big industrial windows and Yeah. And we can see out and see the clouds.
Greg Enslen:And we're here to talk with Meredith and the Chamber about an upcoming event
Meredith McKee:Yes.
Greg Enslen:Slash program that I know literally nothing about. So I'm excited to hear about this.
Meredith McKee:Yes. So we're super excited. We're kicking off coffee with champions.
Greg Enslen:Coffee with champions?
Meredith McKee:Yes.
Greg Enslen:Is that that sounds cool.
Meredith McKee:It is really cool.
Greg Enslen:Okay.
Meredith McKee:I'm super excited.
Greg Enslen:Don't drink coffee. So what will you drink? Like, chai or something?
Meredith McKee:I love a chai.
Greg Enslen:Do you like chai?
Meredith McKee:I do love a
Greg Enslen:chai. Really? Yeah. So So coffee with champions.
Meredith McKee:Coffee with champions.
Greg Enslen:Dun, dun, dun.
Meredith McKee:And Sip Coffee Co is gonna be providing the coffee.
Greg Enslen:Sip. Okay. That's the new coffee shop downtown. Right?
Meredith McKee:Yes. Got it. Super excited, and it's gonna be kicking off Tuesday, February 18th.
Greg Enslen:Okay.
Meredith McKee:And it's gonna be a weekly event.
Greg Enslen:Weekly? Are you kidding me?
Meredith McKee:At 9 AM. So mark your calendars. It's it's a leadership development program, focused on targeting growth and development, equipping leaders, and all types of different topics. So every single week there's gonna be a different topic. Mhmm.
Meredith McKee:And so we will watch a short video and then open it up to discussion. It's just an opportunity to connect with other local businesses, leaders, organizations in your community, and then grow and develop together.
Greg Enslen:So where is that gonna be at?
Meredith McKee:It's gonna be at the Tipp City Chamber of Commerce. Hey.
Greg Enslen:I know that place.
Meredith McKee:Yeah. And it's really convenient for you.
Greg Enslen:So the coffee will be brought in.
Meredith McKee:It will be brought in.
Greg Enslen:Yes. I like that.
Meredith McKee:So it's so convenient for you. We expect to see
Greg Enslen:you after this. I love 9 AM meetings. They're my favorite.
Meredith McKee:They do. You do?
Greg Enslen:I don't. So it's at the Chamber, and that's in the downtown. And and that's weekly, every week at 9 AM. And what day of the week is that?
Meredith McKee:Tuesdays.
Greg Enslen:Tuesdays. Tuesday mornings at 9 AM?
Meredith McKee:Yes.
Greg Enslen:And that starts on what day?
Meredith McKee:It starts Tuesday, February 18th.
Greg Enslen:18th. Okay. Yeah. Tuesday, February 18th. And should people sign up ahead of time for that?
Greg Enslen:Or how does that work?
Meredith McKee:Yeah. So you don't actually have to sign up. We we encourage it just so we know kind of numbers for starting out. Okay. But you so we encourage you to sign up on our website if you know you're already coming, but you it isn't required.
Greg Enslen:Okay. So go to your website, and you can get information about it. And are there different speakers each week, or how's that going?
Meredith McKee:So what it is is, Lance Miller.
Greg Enslen:Okay.
Meredith McKee:He's actually a Tipp City resident. He started this program, and it's just done phenomenally in the Troy Chamber and the Beavercreek Chamber for the last 2 years. So we're super excited to be bringing it to Tipp City. And it's it's held at other chambers, but also now it's being brought to local businesses. Oh.
Meredith McKee:And so businesses are actually leading it internally for their employees.
Greg Enslen:Really? That's neat. Yeah. I like that.
Meredith McKee:So, every single week there's a different topic that we focus on.
Greg Enslen:Okay.
Meredith McKee:And it's focused on personal growth, development, leadership development, and business improvement.
Greg Enslen:Okay. So the one on 18th, what's the, what's the topic on that?
Meredith McKee:The one on 18th is let's see. The topic is living the good life.
Greg Enslen:Living the good life. I need that. Yeah. I'm gonna I'm gonna go just for that.
Meredith McKee:You're gonna wake up early.
Greg Enslen:I'm gonna get up early just for that one and living the good life, and I'm gonna get some coffee from SIP and 9 AM.
Meredith McKee:Yes. We'll
Greg Enslen:all be sitting there ready to hear about the good life. Yes. That's exciting. I'm excited. So what inspired you to bring this program to tip?
Meredith McKee:Well, it just seems like an awesome program, and I feel like that's something I'm really passionate about is developing leaders
Greg Enslen:Right.
Meredith McKee:Who run businesses and providing resources like this, that they wouldn't probably have access to.
Greg Enslen:You're right. Yeah. That's Chamber
Meredith McKee:of businesses.
Greg Enslen:If the Chamber is doing things like that and it's actually making I mean, yes. You the Chamber helps the helps businesses get, like, health care and that kind of stuff and network. Yeah. But if you're actually helping businesses be better Yeah. Businesses, then that's a real benefit for people to be part of the chamber.
Meredith McKee:Exactly.
Greg Enslen:That's cool.
Meredith McKee:Yeah. So it kinda felt like an untapped area that we hadn't expanded into that I thought would be an awesome opportunity for our businesses here.
Greg Enslen:That is awesome. I like the sound of that. And, yeah, it sounds like probably people should let you know they're coming. Yeah. I RSVP ing through the website or something like that to see you can get a good sense of how many
Meredith McKee:Yeah.
Greg Enslen:How many folks are going
Meredith McKee:to see. We already have a handful of people signed up. So, I mean, if if it grows, we'll have other options. We can start meeting in other locations.
Greg Enslen:You don't have to expand and
Meredith McKee:Yeah. That would be awesome.
Greg Enslen:You'd be like, that's a good problem for you.
Meredith McKee:Outgrow our space. We would love that.
Greg Enslen:That would be awesome. We can't have it at SIP because that place is small.
Meredith McKee:Yeah. We couldn't
Greg Enslen:have it there. Like, 4 room for 4 people in there.
Meredith McKee:Maybe we'll have it up here.
Greg Enslen:Oh, God. No. Every time I go into SIP I love that place, by the way. I go in there and there's like I'm, like, how can they have enough room in here for people? But most people, I think, get their coffee to go.
Greg Enslen:But it's a great little shop. So that's neat that they're involved Yeah. With this. That's awesome. Alright.
Greg Enslen:Well, thank you. Anything else on that you wanna talk about?
Meredith McKee:No. We're super excited. And even if you're not a chamber member, we were saying the first two weeks that you come, just come try it out and see if it's something that you wanna get more involved in. But the 2 1st 2 weeks are on us.
Greg Enslen:That's cool.
Meredith McKee:Because it is free to our members.
Greg Enslen:That's awesome. I like the I like that you're you're you're doing almost like continuing education for, like, business leaders to get better at being business leaders. Exactly. That's a neat idea. I like that a lot.
Greg Enslen:Well, thank you for joining me and thank you for having this program. It's neat.
Meredith McKee:We're super excited. I'm excited about it. If you want any more information on it, check out our website,, and look up the Coffee with Champions. Yeah.
Greg Enslen:And then how do people get a hold of you again?
Meredith McKee:Yes. You can email me at mmckee
Greg Enslen:With a k.
Meredith Yes. Or you can reach us at 937-667-8300.
Greg Enslen:Cool. Cool. And is are you gonna put anything on Facebook about this event? Yes. Do you know what's gonna be on there?
Greg Enslen:Yeah. And you'll be talking it up. So if people see it on Facebook and they're curious about it, check out the website for the chamber and see what the topics are gonna be. And like she said, the first two are are gonna be open to the public, which is exciting because normally for something like this, you would need to be a chamber member
Meredith McKee:Yes.
Greg Enslen:To do that.
Meredith McKee:That's the first two for any time that you come.
Greg Enslen:Right.
Meredith McKee:So, you know, even if you come in a few months, your first two will be on us.
Greg Enslen:And actually that reminds me also, if people did wanna become a chamber member, how would that work?
Meredith McKee:Yeah. If you wanna become a chamber member, we would love to hear from you. You can check out our website with our membership application or you can reach out to me directly and we can find a time to meet. So I'd love to share more about what we have going on and how we can benefit your business or organization.
Greg Enslen:That is awesome. Well, thank you so much for sitting in today and joining me on the episode of the, of the Newsmakers podcast. We're trying to record regularly and get lots of information out to everybody, and we're trying to mix it up. If you know anybody who wants to come on, have them contact me. Anybody who's out there, tip area, who wants to promote, local business or talk come on the show and talk about what you're doing, love to hear from you.
Greg Enslen:Just, hit me up. It's, But thank you for joining me. This
Meredith McKee:is exciting. Absolutely.
Greg Enslen:I'm very excited.
Meredith McKee:Thanks so much, Greg.
Greg Enslen:I'm excited about the new program
Meredith McKee:this week. I'll see you there.
Greg Enslen:Yeah. Yeah. I'll stay up from the night before, and I'll still be I'll still be up. Oh, yeah. Awesome.
Greg Enslen:Well, thank you so much, and, we'll talk soon.
Meredith McKee:Thanks.